If it’s New…it’s not true! (hermeneutics)


“Let it be said at the outset – and repeated throughout – that the aim of good interpretation is not uniqueness; one is not trying to discover what no one else has ever seen before.

Interpretation that aims at, or thrives on, uniqueness can usually be attributed to pride (an attempt to ‘outclever’ the rest of the world), a false understanding of spirituality (wherein the Bible is full of deeply buried truths waiting to be mined by the spiritually sensitive person with special insight), or vested interests (the need to support a theological bias, especially in dealing with texts that seem to go alone with that bias). Unique interpretations are usually wrong. This is not to say that the correct understanding of a passage may not often seem unique to someone who hears it for the firs t time. But it is to say that uniqueness is NOT the aim of our task.”

“How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth” by Dr Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart